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YouTubers Makeup Brands and Collabs That I Want to Try

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As more and more YouTubers and beauty influencers release collabs or have their own makeup brands I started to wonder which of these would I want to try. I searched through a lot of them and decided on the list below of items that I would like to try. I want to say that just because I may not mention a product doesn't mean it isn't good or that you may not like it, but maybe for whatever reason it is just not quite my style. I hear so many YouTubers and beauty influencers in general say what works for me may not work for you and vice versa so these are just my thoughts. Also some of these that I mention have additional palettes or products other than the ones I mentioned so I picked the one that I was more interested in.

Manny Mua - Lunar Beauty - Life's a Drag Eyeshadow Palette $45

I love this palette because of the variety of shades it has. It has some neutrals that you can use as transition or base shades and also has some pops of color. It has matte, satin, and glitter finishes and this all allows you to make a variety of looks using just this one palette. I have also watched many reviews and those that I have seen speak so highly of it, and while I am not super familiar with Manny Mua he has tons of followers and experience in the industry and this gives me confidence that this is going to be an extremely high quality palette.

Laura Lee - Nudie Patootie Palette $45

This palette speaks to me because as a teacher I wear primarily neutrals/nudes and this has such a variety of colors within that color scheme. The depth of the colors and variety of finishes (8 mattes, 4 shimmers, 2 foiled) will allow you to do an everyday look and something more glamorous. This seems like it would be a great palette to do a day to night look. I think that this palette would be great to do an ombre style of shadow look or a pretty neutral halo eye with the foiled shadows at the center.

Christen Dominique - Lemonade Palette $42 (her Latte Palette was this price so I assume this is going to be the case for this one too)

This palette hasn't been released yet, but the color scheme that is in it is what is drawing me in. It has primarily pastel shades like pinks, peaches, yellow and a pretty seafoam like green. It also has a couple of deeper shades and a pretty blue jean like blue. Again because of my job I tend to be more willing to spend money on palettes that are more subtle/soft with a pop of color. I also have looked at the reviews on her previous palette and they were so great so this makes me even more excited and willing to spend the money on the palette.

Nicol Concilio collab with Smashbox Primer Water $32

My interest in this one has less to do with the collab and more to do with that I have heard so many great things about Smashbox's primer water. I love scented products and that makes this intriguing to me. If I hadn't heard so many good things about the original primer water I don't know that I would be quite as interested. Nicol looks beautiful in the campaign pictures!

Jaclyn Hill Palette with Morphe $38

I am interested in this first because of the sheer volume of shades in there. It is primarily neutral but it has several pops of color. Additionally I have heard so many good things about it on YouTube plus it is always apparently being requested in giveaways so that makes me curious. Additionally it has more shades than some of the palettes above but costs less money....and that will automatically move it to the top of mylist.

Tarte x Aspyn Eye and Cheek Palette $39

I don't know anything about Aspyn Ovard unlike some of the others on this list. When I saw this palette the first thing I thought was the packaging is BEAUTIFUL. Second I like it for a lot of the same reasons that I like the Laura Lee palette. It is a gorgeous neutral palette with some different shades and finishes. I also love how it has 9 shadows a blush and a highlighter. This would be a great palette for traveling and would limit the amount of products that you would need to bring.

KL Polish

I love the energy that Kathleen Lights has in her videos and that is what led me to look into this product. I don't generally paint my nails, but I was so intrigued by this that I started reading the reviews. The pastels aren't my style as far as nail polish goes but when I saw her Havana Nights collection which is so much more my speed I was sold. As soon as my paycheck comes in I will definitely pick up a couple of these polishes.

Makeup Revolution x Sophx Highlighter Palette $12

I love this brand and watch Sophdoesnails videos and love her personality and style. I have the eye shadow palette collab that she did with them and love it. I would have purchased the highlighter palette at the same time, but it was out of stock. The popularity of the item makes me want it even more! Due to my love of the brand and her eye shadow palette I am super confident in the quality of this product. Also it has a great variety of colors and this ensures that you will have any type of color highlighter you need all in one palette.

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